I’m sorry all; I just haven’t been with it lately. I’m not going to make a bunch of promises about my procrastinating ways. I’ll just say that I will try harder to post more often.
On Ash-wife’s medical front, it isn’t going too well. It is a very slow process. I see her spiraling daily into depression and defeatism. The neuro-surgeon said that she has some minor structural damage, but nothing that can be helped surgically. They all say that there isn’t any or much compression of the nerves or spiral cord - not enough to necessitate surgery that is. They want her to learn to deal with the pain or continue on pain meds the rest of her natural life apparently. Our lawyer had a hearing with Comp, but all that occurred was an extension to a later date in June so Comp can get more medical reports together. We have an appointment with a Comp Dr coming up in a few weeks. I’m guessing that is going to be a farce and a half. My wife is totally stressed about it and can’t shake thinking about it. On the plus side, my wife has lost around 15 lbs in a month or so, to which makes her happy in this otherwise drear and tumultuous phase in her life. She looks better and is getting compliments and non-stop queries on how she is accomplishing it. Since she can’t exercise due to her injury she has done this all by her on diet program. She eats a small portion every 2 hrs throughout the day. She eats what she wants too, not just healthy foods. I am actually quite amazed at how well this is working for her. She feels good about herself in this respect and that makes Ash a happy man.
I have never really gone through DT’s before. When I quit smoking for the first time years ago –yea that sucked. But I’m telling you I took a kick to the junk last week. I’ve run out of lamictal multiple times in the past and never really had too many withdraw symptoms. I ran out of Seroquel last week and OMG did it kill me. I had chest pains, heart pains, heart palpitations, migraines, chills, sweats, muscle aches, fatigue, vomiting, inability to eat, and barely any sleep for days. I honestly thought I was dying. I could barely move; I was in so much misery. Sorry about the whine session guys, but I have never felt anything even close to that. I was like that dude from the original Grease on Celebrity Rehab. LOL. What pisses me off about it all is that I now have to go through a mail order prescription service through my work insurance. I called my P-doc and he called it in for me, but for some reason it sat in the research department at the mail order assholes for close to a week. I don’t know what the issue was, but they should be able to resolve whatever issues they were having with my script a bit more promptly. Hell, what if it was someone’s heart pills or maybe a BIPOLAR person that might just snap at any moment and lose their relationships, livelihood, sanity, and/or freedom. My wife figured out what the problem was – DT’s. It got so bad that my wife called my P-doc back and got them to fax me a 10-day supply at my local pharmacy. An hr after taking my pills I was totally better. Baby got his crack back!!!
I hope everyone is doing well. Later, Ash out…