Thursday, November 29, 2012

Rough Ride With Calm Waters Ahead...hopefully

I've been in the mental ward twice in the last 6 months. I didn.t OD last month. My wife hid the pills and called 911 before I could drown my self-loathing away in a chemical embrace. This life is getting to be too much. If I wasn't for my wife's awesomely powerful love, I doubt my meager love for myself could keep me from the dirt calling. But I'm 'bout u?

1 comment:

Jean Grey said...

I'm sorry you are having a rough time. Are you in an IOP or day program? I did that after my latest hospitalization, and I found it useful. Even just giving me that structure helped. Of course, there is a lot you have to put up with there, and I had to hold my tongue a lot- but it was generally good.