Friday, May 4, 2012

My Dreams and thoughts


I sleep with my eyes slightly cracked and often objects filter through and distort my dreams. That's why i purposely turn or roll over when i'm having the dream within the dream of danger, evil, and anxiety, yet I can't wake myself up from the dream. Turning allows me to steer away from the darkness looming. These shortish semi dreams compound over and onwatd as I drift between near-waking down through the stages to REM and back up. Not positive if I can actually hit REM dreamscapes at such shallow semi-conscience dosing. Likely at level 2 or 3 sleep state. Obviously I would rather purposely try to stay under, than the dread dream-in-a-dream scenario. When I have lucid control I love it at times, but when darkness control my fate, I fear where we go.

1 comment:

Cherry Blossom said...

I get the same feeling, too. Maybe that's normal for bipolar or especially rapid-cycling episodes.