Monday, April 2, 2012

Simulacra and Simulation

Games are fun and fair are rules of relativity, which is general and special. Mind games are uneven dueling courts, where phallus is usually not king. Flaccid I feign, as the cold shoulder pains me. I'm fuckin' crazy so it's my fault by default. This isn't prose. I'm pissed. Somehow downtrodden, depressed, and befuddled, wrapped-up in an, I don't get it and I don't know if I supposed to give a fuck even if I was intelligent enough to get it!

Not happy, not well; but all's well that ends well, I hear. I will be back...soon. Happy or sad or mad, yet sometimes all at once. Now that will make anyone crazy. Ultra Rapid Cycling Bipolar Disorder. Now that's not only unfair, it's straight-up bullshit. I think I need to make an appointment and let my Dr know that I really am unsure about what pills and at what dose of the unsure pills to take, because lord knows the labels aren't my guide currently. I'm Sick of being Sick. Oh yea, mind games suck and manipulation, although innate in every process, is a pretty selfish system that subsists upon its very self, like a serpent eating its own tail.


Anonymous said...

Bipolar be damned we must prevail in some other way of living. Must we give way to disorderly thoughts and equally disorderly moods? But of course....we are the Bipolar. But that is not all we are all the time. Wait for the moments of clarity or better yet the moments of blessed hypo mania and we can do wonderful things. Chin up my friend...bipolar is but a fraction of the whole you.

ashmc2 said...

Thank you Pink. I never was good at fractions, but as a whole I don't add up like most. I'm having some issues at the moment that are taking me down a dark path I fear to tread, yet I'm not the one holding the lantern that lights my way. Thank you for the kind comments. My mind is currently being torn apart, but my skull is thick, some would say too thick-headed. Fear not I will be whole again in the morning.