Colorgenics along with most personality tests, astrology, tarot cards, throwing down chicken bones, phone psychics, soothsayers, clairvoyants, etc. have more to do with your core beliefs and superstitions due to how you were raised, and the skill of the perpetrator, than science of any caliber. They prey on insecurities and half-beliefs and hopes and dreams that we think or need to think about ourselves. Often they can be used for good. Psychics often help give closure for relatives of dead loved-ones by telling them that they are happy in the afterlife or that they forgive some past transgression by the living. But mostly it is negative some way, whether by giving false hope about fortune, fame, or love or reinforcing and validating negative traits that we wrongly thing about ourselves. In the colorgenics paragraphs for every positive there was one or more negative. If you say both sides of everything, something in there will hit close enough to home that it seems remarkable that they “knew” that about you. It is fun to try and laugh about, but never put your faith in a faithless thing, it usually hurts in the end. But that’s just my opinion. I am a born skeptic and critical thinker. I’d have to catch a ghost to believe in them. OK, maybe not or I wouldn't be afraid of the dark while alone.
Your thoughts?
I knew you where going to think that!
1 comment:
I am a born skeptic as well but I do take pure enjoyment out of tarot, zodiac and of like past times. Oddly enough, I look at runes a bit more personally, though I don't believe, it's more as a tool to think things through, such as a brainstorming session. Runes are something I was drawn to due to my Norse/Viking heritage and if anything I use more as a tradition.
I have also been a "second guesser", constantly questioning what's being taught to me. Critical thinking...definitely, as I prefer to fully understand what's presented not just soak it up like a sponge. I create my destiny based on my own decisions not because of alignment or my birth date and I'm perfectly ok with that (except for when I fuck up royally).
The only thing "in the stars" which I can't ignore is the moon. Goodness, when I ignore the moon, all havoc breaks loose. So I respect it and all is "well" though never perfectly so, lol.
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