Let me say it again, meds suck. As I’m sure you all can attest to. Here are some of the most common issues.
Weight gain: Some make me eat. I have put only 40lbs since I started my meds over a year ago. I’m 210lbs. That’s not huge for my 5’11’’frame, but I now have a gut. I know it’s not real masculine to whine about weight, but neither is discussing my feelings. I have pushed away my pride to disclose my emotions, so deal with my girly weight talk. LOL. I have stabilized at this weight but I’m a bit insecure about it. Damnit there goes my feminine side escaping. I suddenly have the urge to do the dishes. Umm, wait… not that that is women’s work. Shit. I’m already making friends. LOL.
Sexual side effects: My dick doesn’t work. No not in that way; I don’t have ED or anything like that. Well, maybe a little. No really, my man-junk works. My problem isn’t my member; it’s my mind. It’s my overall libido. I just don’t really think about sex often or get in the “mood.” And that isn’t normal for me or guys in general. Also when I do decide to do the deed, I often find it hard to climax. And believe me, that didn’t used to be a problem before the meds. LOL. Guaranty if I have sex on back-to-back nights, I will not go on the 2nd night. Not only is it aggravating to say the least, it also makes the wife feel somewhat inadequate, which in no way is her fault. Anyway, enough about my unit.
Depression: I believe my anti-depressant actually contributes to my depression. If I don’t have to be at work or do something pressing that I just can’t get out of, I barely make an appearance in the living room. I often sleep off and on 16 hrs a day. I ran out of it a few weeks back and a few days without it and I became energized. That could just have been a swing, but it was one hell of a coincidence.
Headaches: I’m not sure which one/ones are causing these, but they suck. It could be all in my head also. Not the pain. Well yes the pain. You know what I mean. Hopefully.
High cholesterol: Likely not from the meds themselves, yet likely a byproduct of the eating due to the medication.
Liver damage: I have to get my blood checked semi-annually due to this risk from some of these meds. Hopefully this never becomes a problem.
Oh yea, did I mention that my dick doesn’t always work right?
Meds I am currently on:
Zoloft – 200mg
Risperdal – 1.5mg
Lamictal - 250mg
Seroquel – 75mg
My Psych just changed it all around. The Zoloft is gone. So med-induced depreesion and man-junk issues should be a thing of the past.
hey there - thanks for commenting in my little blog. :) i have to read some more of yours soon. take care! Jenne
My fiance takes anti-depressants, and had the same, ah-hem..."penis problem". The first time, his doctor added Wellbutrin, and it fixed it. It was the "not being able to climax" part that he couldn't take. The second anti-depressant he took (he just has depression), he had the same problem, but it went away on its' own. Have you told your doctor? I know for guys this is a HUGE issue...like, big enough to throw away your medication forever.
About the weight gain - that's not bad for 5'11". You actually sound like you were too thin 40 pounds ago. Yes? I'm sure clothes are a nightmare for you now. It will even out eventually. I gained, over medication changes, 50 pounds, and then lost all of it. This is through the course of YEARS, though. For women, THIS is the part where you throw away your medication forever. :-)
You'll get through it - I'm cheering for you! :-)
About saying inappropriate things...mine is all done in email. Once you've sent an email, you can never take it back, and if I had $1.00 for every email I sent and regretted, I'd be rich and both my fiance and I could quit our jobs! For me, it's always when I'm hypo. That is usually the sign that I know that I'm hypo. That - and dysphoria, like you.
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